Short post today. I was just thinking this morning, of how great our God is. He has done so much for me. He brought me up in a christian home, planted me in a holy ghost filled, full-gospel, old-time bible-believing church where the word of God is taught faithfully over the platform and ministers to the very depths of my soul. He has delivered me from the guilt of my past. He has set my feet on a solid rock and He has set me free to worship Him. I am so happy to be a part of the family of God. Whatever God is doing in this end day, I want to be a part of it. I want God to use me in whatever way He sees fit to be able to reach others for Christ, to help minister his love to someone else in need.
You know, this world can be so distracting with its trials and if we're not careful we'll take our eyes off of God, our savior, our deliverer and see only the waves of confusion and fear that plague our world in this time of economic crisis and political upheaval. BUT, we need to remember that we serve a MIGHTY God who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask! If we are serving Him and walking with Him in our daily lives, then He is going to protect us from all this turmoil. He will keep you from all harm. None of this will come near us. Situations happen and yes, we can feel the pinch of it, but don't take your eyes off of Jesus! He is our source, our strength and our very present help in time of need. He is a miracle-working God. Do you really trust God? When you take time to think about all the things He has done for you throughout your life and where He's brought you from, isn't He an amazing God?
How many times in the old testament did God meet the needs of the Israelites...He delivered them from the bondage of slavery in Egypt, yet when they got to the Red Sea and saw no escape from it, what happened to their faith in God? It sank. They began to fear and complain. And when the Lord delivered them so miraculously from it by dividing the sea and letting them walk right through it on dry ground and then drowning all the Egyptians who pursued them, what did they do as soon as they began to hunger in the desert? Murmur and complain and doubt God. Time and time again they did that. What a discouraging thing that must've been for God to hear arising from their camp after all the things He had done for them. It was never enough for them. Surely they would have faith after the first thing He did, but still they complained and doubted God.
What has God done for you? Do you have needs in your life that seem unsurmountable? Is the world telling you that there's no way, it's impossible? Nothing is impossible with God! We serve a supernatural God. He is NOT LIMITED by the things of this world. Instead of giving into your fear and doubt, why not look at all He has done for you already and encourage your faith today. We serve a mighty God and He can do ANYTHING! Keep your eyes on Jesus and you will see the victory come in your life. This is just one more battle of many we will experience in life. Trials come to test our faith. Will you pass the test? Once you pass, the blessings will begin to flow for you, like they did for Abraham. SO, hang on to Jesus today. Read your Bible, and take time to thank the Lord for all His many blessings to your life already and let your faith begin to arise. Victory Ahead!